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Supporting small business’s

With over 5.9 MILLION small business star ups in 2020 you are spoilt for choice on where to shop, but it’s important now more than ever to support our friends, family’s or even a strangers new project, dream and livelihood.

Throughout this blog I’m going to be explaining the WHAT the WHY’S, and the HOW’S, all relating to supporting a small businesses,  firstly I’m going to let you in on why being a business owner appealed to us.

Being our own boss- part one!

Back in 2017 my partner Jonathan and I created our first small business Glitz and Glam Entertainment , a bespoke entertainment and production agency supplying beautiful showgirls, circus acts and all around entertainment, this was always created with the future in mind, it’s a job we can do from anywhere in the world with age never being a problem.

Being our own boss - part two!

The second time around we never choose it, it choose us, check out the ‘about us’ page to find out how we ended up opening Sweet Escape Sweets and Treats. We really didn’t waste anytime with the setting up of the business, it was all systems go. Although we had full intentions of sticking with our new venture, we just never imagined it could of became full time work for the two of us.


What is a small business?

According to start ‘More than 99% of all UK businesses are small to medium sized’ they have even suggested that business with fewer than 9 employees are also classed as a micro business.

So according to this table we own two Micro business, but that doesn’t mean the workload is any less, in fact it means you have to learn all roles the business requires, and there is a lot more than we ever anticipated, In fact we are learning every day, the more we learn the bigger our to do list gets, but when you know you’re working on your own goals, late nights and early morning all not as bad as they sound.

It’s been great to get support, reassurance and business knowledge from Nicole Louise Geddes and her network over in ‘Performer Preneur’ a business group that helps performer’s pivot.  Alongside that, we have been watching YouTube tutorials and listening to endless amount of podcast with  ‘Any others business’ being our fave at the minute.


SMEs (small and medium enterprises) account for 99.9% of the business population (6.0 million businesses). SMEs account for 3/5 of the employment and around half of turnover in the UK private sector. When supporting a small business your contribution is huge. You’re not only helping support somebody’s passion, keeping people in jobs, putting food on the table but your also helping to grow the economy.




You will be happy to know you can help support small business in more ways than one, and they don’t all involved spending.

Interacting online: like, comment, share and interact with online posts, even if you don’t want to buy from there page all support is greatly received. 

Sign up: Sign up online to their mailing list, find out what’s going on and what they have to offer!

Check website out: every now and then pop on to their website and see what changes and promotions they have going on. Every click on their website helps with their google ratings.

Review: Leave a dazzling 5 star review on google Sweet Escape Sweets and Treats

Word of mouth: Talk to your friends and family about the brilliant experience/s you have had with the business, word of mouth is one of the best forms of advertisement for any business.

Share blogs: If you find a blog interesting or helpful in anyway share it  to appropriate groups and conversations.

Shop: Shop and support those small business where you can, its true we really do the happy dance when we get a sale.

We support small businesses

We love supporting small business where we can, and these are a few we have supported in the last few weeks. (You may see a recurring theme)

  • Four Seasons We got some amazing bespoke costumes designed and hand made for Glitz and Glam Entertainment : and our fabulous sweet escape sweets and treats aprons.
  • Mi-Amor-Bakery We bought some delicious easter cheesecakes as gifts this easter
  • Brownie & Co We bought the best brownie filled easter egg (these one’s were for us.)
  • Performer-PreneurI am a member and a monthly subscriber to the heart of the hub business Club.
  • Hopes KitchenI bought the ultimate picnic box, it was the perfect addition for any mums lockdown birthday.
  • Circus Starlight– donated a large 1KG of letter box sweets, for their fabulous showgirl competition.



We challenge you...

we challenge you to do at least 3 of ‘why’s’ each week, remember you can support without spending.


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