What is Father’s day to us and where did it come from?
The one thing we can all agree on is Father’s Day is a day of honouring fatherhood and everything they do for us. However, it is unclear who started Father’s Day off. In Catholic countries of Europe, it has been celebrated on 19 March as Saint Joseph’s Day since the middle ages. Over in the USA Father’s Day was founded by Sonora Smart Dodd, and celebrated on the third Sunday of June for the first time in 1910. Father’s Day is celebrated in over 80 countries worldwide and each holds their own tradition.
Spain, Italy, Portugal

In Spain, Italy and Portugal, Father’s Day is celebrated on March 19, which is the Feast of St. Joseph who is the patron saint of fathers. In Spain, it is common for the whole family to get together for a big meal and to give small gifts to their father often a sweet gift. Can you see some similarities to how we might celebrate our Father’s day over here in the UK. If your ever in Spain for the special day don’t forget to say ‘feliz Día del Padre.’ To your dad.

Now to me, if I was a dad I would be counting down the days to fathers day every year if i lived in Germany…the good news is it’s a public holiday so everybody benefits in some way. Fathers day tradition is that men will go out for hikes taking a wagon with them, this might not sound all that great, wait for it… the wagons are filled with beer, wine and food to ‘sustain’ the men on their hike. The beer and wine supplies are demolished before the hike is over. The public holiday is a day for men to act like boys, known as Vatertag (also Männertag),

Father’s Day in France is the most similar to ours in the UK, like all others its an occasion to mark and celebrate all the things our dad’s do for us and the difference the father figure has made to us in our life. Many people send cards or gifts to their dads. Common Father’s day gifts include sports items or clothing, sweets and chocolate, electronic gadgets, outdoor cooking supplies and tools for household maintenance.
we wonder if the french like pick and mix just as much as our dads do? THE BEST FATHER’S DAY GIFT
France celebrate fathers day on the 3rd Sunday in the month and just like us here in the UK, it’s not a public holiday.

In Brazil, Father’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in August. The date was chosen in honour of St. Joachim, the father of Mary and patron saint of fathers and grandfathers. Its often tradition for children to spend the day writing Father’s Day cards but its celebrate by the whole family with a big ‘churraso’ aka BBQ! Now if you have never been lucky enough to be apart of a Brazilian churraso, you are missing out, the food and the company is next level!
Each country celebrates fathers day a little bit different, But everyday is to celebrate the ‘father figures’ out there. How will you be spending June the 20th?